Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and a very good day…
Alhamdulillah, all praises to ALLAH for giving me the chance to write again for my 2nd post in this blog…my previous post is about “the beginning” which means the starting of all my journey throughout my blogging stuff, more or less…now I want to speak about “the delivery” as stated up in the title…what I’m trying to say here is the delivery of me from inside of my mom to this world for the very first and last time, Alhamdulillah, SubhanALLAH…
[Surat Al-'Insān (The Man); 76:2]
“Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing.”
there’s no way for me being in such place again unless he/she is my next generation, insyaALLAH…while I’ll grow up a little older by time, with some/part of my hair start to metamorph to white in colour, haha…
SubhanALLAH, the arrangement of ALLAH for us is very beautiful, He planned everything since before we are delivered to this world and maybe earlier than we could imagine…
Alhamdulillah, the delivery day fall in the morning of 26th of April 1991 at 2.35 am (according to the doctor’s wrist watch I think) where for Islamic calendar it fell on Friday, 11th of Syawal 1411 Hijrah at Hospital Besar Melaka with a body weight of about 3.8 kg according to my birth cert…
So heavy I am while I was inside of my mom, which she carried me wherever she goes, huhu, and yet she does not take it as a burden to herself but she take it as a meaningful gift from the creator of mankind, ALLAH s.w.t. …
thank you mom for every time you spend to be just with me before and after the delivery, to see me for the first time (my tears are about to shed when I wrote this statement), protecting me from whatever bad out there without me knowing that you just want to save my life from harm and danger, for giving me the chance to see this beautiful world, breathing the same air as you breath(my tears dropped)…
"I love you mom, thank you ALLAH for giving me such a nice, kind and everything good about my mom to me…"
Without I’m realizing where am I at the time of the delivery, what I could just do is try to breath the fresh air of this world for the first time so hard, and I just keep on crying maybe because I felt restless since the doctor tries to take me away from my mom, separating the bond of love between a mom and her son, or maybe I felt afraid since I was granted to be one of the khalifah on this world, which the responsibility is so huge and every actions will be question in the hereafter…
[Surat An-Naĥl (The Bee); 16:93]
“And if Allah had willed, He could have made you [of] one religion, but He causes to stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And you will surely be questioned about what you used to do.”
This Quranic verse is well supported by our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. saying in the following sahih hadith:
"No foot of a servant (of Allah) (on the Resurrection Day) will move before being asked about four things: his years (age) and how he spent them, his youth and how he worn it out, his wealth and how he earned it and on what he spend it and about his love towards us, the Ahlul-Bait (the Prophet's Household) ".
[Sayuti, Ihya' al-Mayyit, Hadith No. 44.]
Alhamdulillah, I was born with a beautiful and complete figure, which I should praises ALLAH for what He gave me with and make the good use of everything I have for the good deeds and not the other way round, insyaALLAH, forever I’ll seek the only guidance from Him…well, this is the cover-up story or behind the scene for “The Delivery” of me to this world, how about yours? Think about it…wallahu’alam (ALLAH the creator of us all knows better than anyone else)…
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sources of knowledge from this post:
well, about the date of birth, I did double check this date with these two websites, maybe it is 1-2 days miscalculate from the initial date:
if you want, you can also try this free little software for hijrah-masihi date converter, but it need to be installed first, here is the link to download : I suggest for you to use those two websites instead of installing this software…I’m sure it is enough for those who just wondering their Islamic date of birth till now…
For all those creation of mankind facts, Quranic verses and hadith in this post: